

Sweater: F21 (old), similar | Jeans: H&M | Boots: Target | Necklace: Stella & Dot, c/o

Being pregnant is all about compromises.

Do I wear sneakers or flats? Flats because I can't bend over to tie my shoes.

Chocolate or ice cream? These days ice cream.

Jeans or leggings? Leggings because the thought of jeans makes me claustrophobic. When mobility is already limited, choose whatever has the most stretch.

Pee or lay in bed a little longer? Unfortunately the former always wins.

Make Liam breakfast or let him choose his own breakfast because he can get it himself? Well yesterday he had popcorn for breakfast so you decide. #momfail

Husband is also learning about compromises.

Hot, angry wife or get an extra blanket for his side of the bed? He learned this one quickly. Always choose to be cold for the sake of the wife.

Make dinner now or later? Always now because again, hangry wife.

Allow for wife and colossal size pregnancy pillow to overtake the bed or split the bed evenly? He selflessly takes one for the team. Poor guy. Sometimes I wake up and I'm diagonal, body pillow and all and he's huddled on the very edge of the bed. But he never says a word and always always always makes sure I'm comfortable. He's been such a dream boat these last few months.

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