Hello! I’m Krista. I’m married to Thomas, have a little boy, Liam, and an avid collector of stripes. Originally from California, we longed for adventure and moved our little family to Dallas, Texas. I’m a full-time working mama and am finding the balance between family, work, and managing my blog. I first started my blog several years ago to give my family, who is spread all over the United States, a more updated and detailed depiction of life in Texas. We lived on a street named K Avenue, and there my blog grew into a flourishing little corner of the interweb. The blog became my creative outlet to explore my style and take risks. There’s a little bit of everything here-- the joys of being a wife, fashion and beauty inspiration, the hilarity of a two year old boy, and everything in between. Life isn’t perfect, but it certainly is beautiful and adventurous.