
Lately According to my iPhone

Braids are always and forever my favorite. Trying to perfect the crown braid.
We left this up for an afternoon after we had guests stay with us. Liam was still in his crib at the time and thought he was SO big getting to take his nap here. Found him passed out.
His big boy bed being built by daddy. In between time, it makes for a good fort.
Saturday doodles.
Rainy day activities.
Ring game lately.
I put Liam down for a nap and heard him crying about 15 minutes later. Poor kid had his electronic Thomas train stuck in his hair. A few snips and a bald spot later, the train was free and his nap was ruined. I'd love to say this was the first time this happened. Or even second.
He loves watching me make silly faces in the camera. I just like to hear his little giggle when I do.
Serious pictures are not nearly as funny.
Easter is tiring. Egg hunts, church, lunch, it's all just too much for little boys. Excellent posture, by the way, son.
 He literally kills me. 

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