Jeans, Marshalls | Tee, Target (old) | Jacket, gift | Gold bracelet, Target (old) | Loafers, Zara
Coupons that get you a free bean burrito. Um hi, Friday night made. I'm a classy lad obviously.
Finding little cars in my bed as I tuck myself in for the night. Having a baby boy is the best.
This dry weather is aging my hands 35763213 years. Pass the Eucerin.
It snowed yesterday. Nothing special about that, I just get giddy. Even if it's a snowy/rain mixture. The snow makes me VERY excited.
I'm equally excited that this weekend is supposed to be sunny and 70 degrees. I'm schizophrenic about my weather temps which really works out cause so is Dallas.
Look at what a saggy mess my top knot is in these pics. Tips, tricks, anyone? I need haaaaaallllp.