
Letter to Me (and you)

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I'm not really a resolution maker. Years that I've made them usually, at best, start to dwindle around March. You know the ones:

Work out 5 times a week. Get new workout clothes because they'll make me want to workout! 

Eat healthier/Cut out sweets.

What really are my expectations when I make them? Do I really expect to stick with those? Hopefully yes, but realistically, no. However, I do like how refreshing it is to start a new year. To turn a new leaf, a blank slate, a chance to start again. With that, I've compiled a list of things I really DO hope to do and live by. It's important to remind myself of these things, to know I'm not perfect, to forgive myself, but to push myself and grow more like my loving Savior. And I think that's what He calls us to do.

 1. Keep a journal with you writing down all the wonderful things that have occurred during the day. It's so easy to forget those minute things. But oh, how sweet it is to look back and see God's blessings throughout the day.

2. Accept apologies. Trust they mean it. Don't hold it against them and use it to hurt them.

3. Tell my family how much I love them. Daily.

4. Take a photography class. You've always been wanting to. What's holding you back? Let go of the fear and accept the challenge. And it will be FUN!

5. Yell less. I'm quick to get angry, especially at Liam, and feel my voice rise by the second. Be slow to anger.

6. Be you. Stop the comparison game. There's only one of you. Corny? Most definitely. But how great it is to have a world full of individuals.

7. Get involved. Go deeper. Get to know people. This church is going to be good, so let it.

8. Carry out our year of dates. Document it. (For Christmas, I gave husband a year's worth of dates, two per month, all planned out and ready to go. He picks the day and we do it. One date is at home, one out) See how we grow together, become more intimate. Take advantage of babysitters. And family. :)

9. Be playful. Laugh more, don't take things so seriously.

10. But also, grow up.

11. Read five books this year. For some of you, that's easy. I used to love reading and somehow lost my love for it over the years. I miss how much it stretches me, how much I learn, how my imagination runs wild. Starting with Out of the Spin Cycle: Devotions to Lighten Your Mother Load by Jen Hatmaker. Thanks, sis!

12. Get up earlier. Use the 24 hours I've been given to the fullest. Spend that time by myself, with the Lord, with husband, with my son, just USE IT. Don't waste this life.

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