
Nursing Friendly Diet

It was important to me that when Caleb was born I would breastfeed as long as possible. I wasn't able to nurse Liam longer than 6 weeks and I was determined to nurse at least 2 months with Caleb.

It's been a bumpy road as it often can be with breastfeeding. I had mastitis, a bad latch, blisters. It was excruciating making it to this point but it's been well worth it. Caleb is a big eater (6-8 oz per feeding and he's only 7 weeks!) and now that we've mastered breastfeeding, my focus has shifted to my milk supply. Thankfully I've only had to supplement a handful of times and though it feels like life centers around feeding him it's been well worth it.

A healthy diet is crucial to maintaining your milk supply. I've found several foods to aide in feeding my little chunk of love.

Granola: I add granola from Trader Joe's to plain greek yogurt with a little honey and eat it daily as a snack. It's delicious and the honey makes it seem a bit like a dessert. A bit. 😉 I also eat oatmeal for breakfast every day.

Flax seed: I'm still experimenting with this but so far it's a great additive to oatmeal and lactation cookies (more on that later). 

Eggs: Scrambled or fried, it's one of my favorite healthy breakfasts. Or dinners. 😜

Healthy protein: Think salmon and chicken. Even if you're not a nursing mom, this is some of the best healthy protein you can eat. I make it a general rule to avoid red meat.

Lactation cookies: This is my favorite recipe and even the boys love them. I bought these too and while they're more convenient, the homemade version is more delicious (and cheaper). Cookies are nice to have around for those hangry moments when you're starving and need a little something. Plus I feel okay about eating them since they're boosting my supply. Right?? They're particularly great at 3am. Just sayin.

Mother's Milk tea: I drink a cup a night and notice a huge difference. Plus it's been nice to have hot tea every night. 

WATER: Staying hydrated is essential; water helps your body make milk. I drink about 80-100 ounces a day and make a point to keep my favorite water jug by me at all times. As a general rule when the baby is nursing, I be sure to drink water as well. He eats, I drink.

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