
Things to Note

 [a few favorites as of late]

Liam is 100% potty trained. Read that exactly how it reads because numero dos is JUST NOT HAPPENING. But I am nothing if not competitive and I will win. This child will not defeat me.

You know how they're all, "This winter is going to be so wet and cold. Prepare yourselves. El NiƱo is here." Liars. We're sitting over here in our 70 degree weather, some of us bitter that it hasn't snowed. Nope, not even once. Anytime things want to get icey over here, I'm ready. We have been eating our dinner outside most days so I guess it's fine.

I chopped my hair off -- eight inches to be exact and soon I'll have brown thrown in the mix. Who am I? Loving this new change.

The little is learning Spanish, from whom I'm not sure but nonetheless we've got ourselves a budding genius. He's got his colors nailed and now he's working on his greetings. Anything past that, I'm out. He's on his own. I didn't pay attention in high school.

He's super attached to mommy right now. In theory is great, in reality it's not. For example, yesterday I was going to the restroom [not alone obviously; that is a luxury I do not get to experience] and he asked to zip my pants for me. Lord almighty child, you have gotten too close. Back it up.

Husband and I enjoyed ourselves a silly morning today. I woke up 30 minutes before my alarm and had a quiet moment of solitude with my coffee; perhaps what first initiated the happy Tuesday morning because see above point. We sang made up jingles with Liam (nothing new there) who danced and showed his gummy smile all the way through breakfast. Nothing felt rushed and I drove to work still smiling from our morning.

I will miss the day that I stop finding random trains in my bed. Nothing like rolling over and a tiny dagger Percy goes straight into your shoulder blade. I mean not to get too gushy about the little things in life but it really is THE LITTLE THINGS.

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