
30 Day Plank, Push-Ups, and Sit-Ups Challenge

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In the last several years, fitness has become a major part of my weekly routine (I say weekly because it's not necessarily daily. I usually try for about 4 times a week). I feel better, am more confident, and the obvious, I'm in better shape for it. Though I have my personal favorite workout videos to do (see my workout posts here and here) I do like to change it up a bit and challenge myself. I find my body adapts to the workout if I'm not diversifying it and I get less bored, which means I'm more likely to stick it out for the long haul.

As the holidays itch closer, baked goodies and cocktails have a way of latching on reeeeal tight to my thighs and as Summer closes it's easier to give up on staying active. So! 

I've challenged myself to a 30 Day Plank, Push-Ups, and Sit-Ups Challenge and I want YOU to join me!

I came up with a progress sheet that you can take with you anywhere. Leave it by your bed, on the fridge, take it to the gym, or leave it in your purse but it's a great way to visually see how your body is getting stronger. And when you can see that progress is being made, it's so much more motivating to keep going.

Feel free to use the sheet I created or use it as a stepping stone if you feel you're at a different level. Do more or less, but do what is comfortable for you! Don't push yourself too hard BUT push yourself hard enough. Your body only changes if it's being challenged.

Write down your results next to your goal number and see where you're at in 30 days!

A few things to remember/keep in mind:

+ Music helps! Create a playlist and get into that groove!

+ No girl push-ups! Try to do the real deal! I can do way more girl push-ups than man (?) push-ups. They work out so many different muscles (chest, arms, core, back); they're harder for a reason! Start out with what you can do and work your way up.

+ Don't look at your timer! You'd be surprised at how much more you can do if you don't focus on the clock!

+ Try to work in some cardio in addition to this challenge; it will be so much more effective. Jumping jacks, butt kicks, jump rope, high knees are all great exercises that boost your heart rate.

+ Drink A LOT of water. I seem to drag when I don't drink enough. Your body will thank you and you'll have so much more energy.

Workout challenges like these can be easy to start but it's finishing them that's the hurdle. If you guys are doing it with me, you'll be able to help keep me accountable. Please join me??

I'm excited to start and hope you are too! Please please feel free to email me or comment if you have any questions, comments, motivators, or you just want to say hi! :)

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