Happy Monday! How was your weekend? I had a three day weekend which was wonderful. I took naps (NAPS!), cleaned the house from top to bottom, and spent lots of family time together. It's what weekend dreams are made of. In our effort to be more active and sweat daily, we decided to go on a long afternoon hike in addition to our separate workouts. We went to our usual spot and found secret hiking trails (they're not at all secret but it makes us sound like trail blazers, no?) which in turn allowed us to find our future summer swimming hole, rope swing included. Yes, please. Despite what was predicted, this winter has been rather mild which is tooootally fine by me. January hike in 70 degree weather. Sign me up!
***knocking on wood. I probably just invited an ice storm in the near future***
^^^Liam got tired and plopped himself down. I'm done, guys!!!^^^
He was so fascinated with the creek. He held my hand and walked to the edge, sat down and rambled on and on about the water. The cutest.
Also if you didn't see, congratulations to Ashley on winning The Mint Julep $25 gift card!!