
Snow Day

 You may know that Sundays are my favorite day of the week. We try to escape for a few hours and go for a drive. This week led us up to Shaver Lake and the SNOW. I swear, sometimes I pinch myself. We really do live here...and it's gorgeous! And so close to beach and snow. We're 45 minutes from our family cabin in the mountains. We tried seeing if we could find it and I'm pretty sure we found the subdivision but being without the address and just going off pictures, we weren't sure. Either way, so excited about all the time that will be spent there. =) 

It was the first time Sadie had been to the snow and she loved it. She ran everywhere and just wanted to eat it and catch snowballs. She seemed a bit confused when we would through the snowball and they broke apart. Definitely became a fun little game. It's way too entertaining confusing dogs. 

The beauty of the mountains (especially in the snow) will never get old. I never tire of it and never cease to be amazed at God's work. 

"Ever since the creation of the world his eternal power and divine nature, invisible though they are, have been understood and seen through the things he has made. So they are without excuse." (Romans 1:20) 

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