
Star Student

The ride home from daycare is a special kind of hell if I don't have a snack for Caleb. The whimper starts as we approach the car door. It's his warning sign. Ma! You better have some food. 

The other day I was buckling him in his car seat and his usual cry begins. I had goldfish with me, however it was a Costco size bag. I didn't want to just give him the entire bag because portion control and well, that would end up on the floor of my car in .323948 seconds. So Liam started handing him a few at a time. This, of course, was not good enough for Caleb and he was still crying. Nay, screaming. He screamed the 10 minutes home. He screamed on the walk into the house. He screamed all throughout dinner and refused to eat. He screamed if I held him. He screamed if I put him down. He screamed if I put him in his room with the door closed. He screamed if I opened the door. There was all the screaming.

And then there was Liam. Hands over his ears he tried to comfort Caleb. We got home and he quietly started cleaning up the house. Every toy. Every dish. Every object out of place was made right. He cleaned the house for thirty straight minutes. When I was at my whit's end, he immediately stepped right in.

Yesterday was his parent/teacher conference and I left the school teary eyed. Nothing but compliments and glowing remarks. He is his teacher's right hand guy. He is kind and loving. Socially and academically aware. Smart. Capable. Hard working. Shows initiative. While we see those qualities at home, it's amazing to hear he behaves similarly at school as well. The teacher hugged me as I left and said how much she appreciated what we're doing with him at home. I have to say though, that's all Liam. He is sure to do his homework the second we get home and loves math problems and reading. He's like his mama. Doesn't like to procrastinate and is a perfectionist.

Last week he earned the honor of being Star Student for the week. He was able to bring in a few things to show his class. On Wednesday, he brought his favorite book "Ninjago, The Green Ninja" because that is so Liam. Thursday, he brought in a picture of his family and explained who we all were and mama has a baby in her belly too! Another day he got to bring in a toy for show-and-tell and when I asked him how it went later that day he said, They were talking a lot when I was showing my car but don't worry, I told them they weren't respecting me.

He is growing up to be a fine young boy and has grown into the role of big brother well. I have no doubt he will excel at brothering his new baby brother. I'm go glad he's our first born. He's been such a privilege to parent.

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