
Turning 30

This past week both husband and I turned 30. I don't know how it happened. It sort of caught me by surprise, somehow forgetting what age I would actually be. 29 seemed logical to me. But alas, we've hit a new decade together and now several days in I'm realizing it's not so bad.

On each day respectively, we didn't do much as it was a work day for the both of us. I wanted to do something special for husband so I thought 30 gifts for 30 years. Not all were significant--candy, socks, clothes, etc but I tried to find all of his favorite things. He was shocked when he got home to find a huge stack of presents. "What is that????" It took a while to open all 30 gifts and it was a silly hour laughing together and a little boy trying to steal chocolate.

Over the weekend, he surprised me with a kidless night arranging for Liam to have a sleepover at his auntie and uncle's. It was our first night ever away from Liam. It was strange to not think about bedtime and a little voice waking me up in the morning but it was such a treat to spend one on one time with my mister. I realized we need to make this more of a priority even if it means just stealing a few hours away together. (BIG thanks to my in-laws for creating such a fun night for Liam!)

Here's to 30!

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