
Jenna Lyons Inspired and Choies

Jenna Lyons has impeccable style. She perfectly masters looking undone and put together, usually in pants, not skirts. She's a genius at knowing how to roll the perfect cuff, nails boyfriend jeans e v e r y time, she's not afraid to strut in heels even though she's 6 feet tall, and is strangely obsessed with jelly roll pens (sixth grade, anyone?). I get her style. I love androgynous with a touch of femininity and she oozes it. If I could raid her closet, I'd be the happiest. Plus things would actually fit me properly. If you're almost 6 feet tall, please stand up!

But while her style is perfection, the price tags are not. She gets her shirts custom made for goodness sake (hey long arms, I see you) but that doesn't mean you can't emulate her look. I love this outfit because every piece is/should be a staple in my closet. A great pair of denima classic white shirta leather jacket for a touch of edge, and red pumps.

Jenna LyonsJenna Lyons

Choies: Leather Jacket | White Button Down Shirt | Boyfriend JeansRed Pumps

This blog is all about style not needing to cost a fortune. I will forever stick by that. The cost of the entire outfit above is $147.36. Similarly, if you were to buy this outfit at J Crew, it would cost you $956.00. If you were to buy her exact outfit, it would cost close to $2,000. That, my friends, is silly.

J Crew: Leather Jacket | White Button Down Shirt | DenimRed Pumps

Don't sacrifice style because you don't want to spend $1,200 on a leather jacket. The best thing about style is it's unique to you so be that!

Choies is an amazing online boutique with so so many choices without emptying your wallet. If you like a lot of color, there's something for you. If you like a minimalist approach, there's something for you. If you have a really girly style, there's stuff for you too. Below I listed some Jenna Lyons-eque inspiration for you if you're a super-fan like me.

Jenna Lyons

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